
Johny Spaghetti 最近的评测

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总时数 17.7 小时 (评测时 13.3 小时)
All in all the game is pretty good. The gunplay is rewarding and incentivises you to switch around and try out different strategies. I like the weapon switching with the Serious Sam style choosing of weapons. one thing I'd like to see is that you always switch to the same weapon. I.e when pressing 3 i always switch to the double barreled one instead of the last one I used. Also the final Boss feels somewhat underwhelming. After collecting most gold runes I was pretty decked out and the final boss felt more like a push-over. And the story and the "cutscenes" are a bit to phoned in, like the mic quality seems low. Graphicaly speaking the game tries to go for a late 90's early 00's look, which honestly has been done to death. Some of the environments could look gorgeos with a bit more interesting lighting and more varying texture work.
So all in all a good shooter with a really cool upgrade system and good mechanics but like most of these quake and doom like shooters lack in the graphical department and the presentation (although the music is truly good). One thing missing are more ambient tracks for when the player is looking for secrets.
发布于 2023 年 2 月 11 日。
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