Dr Not Here ATM lol
United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Currently Offline
15 Cans of Assorted Beans Aug 10, 2023 @ 12:06pm 
Just here to pay further respects. I'll never forget you, bro.
AutumnVT Jan 7, 2023 @ 11:12am 
hey dude ive just found out whats happened to you if anyone dosen't know who i was i am manny yes i am manny but im so devastated whenever i found out what happened to you rest in peace scratch you were a inspiration to us all#
Smarty Sep 2, 2022 @ 6:01pm 
Its still gut wrenching thinking about the times we had man
ruzzy Dec 8, 2021 @ 10:54pm 
Still miss you, rest easy.
Lapis Dec 30, 2020 @ 11:42am 
Was a shame that I never left a comment here until now but I am now. Even though I was an American playing on UK server Scratch was always someone who i could count on for a good laugh and being online no matter what ungodly hour it was. Weather it was messing around with the 91st or just taking in Teamspeak, he was there to make people days better through his personality. I tried my best with your regiment after you steeped down from CO but I really didn't know this happened to you until today when i went looking through my friends list. I'm so sorry and Rest in Peace.
AnotherAnders Jun 10, 2020 @ 5:49am 
I've only just found out what happened to you man, And I'm so damn sorry I didn't know earlier. We spent hours together, On the SWRP server, gaming together for litterally weeks... Heh, I still remember building the 91st with you.. You where one of my closest friends in the world dude. It's still shocking that you're not here... Not entirely sure how to process this. Well, Rest In Peace my friend. You where an amazing friend to me through my hardest times... I still can't believe you're gone. I'm never going to forget you man. Never.