EasyWring™ RinseClean™ Spin Mop
: )
Kirjautunut ulos
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 138 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 27.5.
yhteensä 2,2 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 26.5.
yhteensä 22 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 26.5.
ggs brother you want any tips on mu?
Dingus 26.6.2018 klo 17.43 
I’m in year 3 of psych courses and I can tell you that you sound like you have a very damaged mental state This isn’t an insult. This is a serious recommendation. See a therapist or psychologist and tell them all of your thoughts.

aloby 3.12.2017 klo 21.12 
idk Bro..
zuzu 3.12.2017 klo 20.11 
guys, how does he do it?
aloby 8.5.2017 klo 15.45 
GasMAXXmalist 19.4.2017 klo 20.15 
Hi! ^-^ I'm Andrew: I'm a 21 year old, non-binary (Q/F), grey asexual, panromantic, neuroatypical, Psychology student, Muslim convert living Edinburgh, Scotland, but originally from Liverpool, England. I'm intrested in philosophy, critical theory, structural Marxism, post-colonialism, gender/queer theor, and psychoanalytic theory. I agitate alongside and (help) organise anti-fasc, anti-capitalism, pro-Palestinian and LGBTQIA+ stuff. I'm looking for comradery amongst local folks, friends and whatnot, :smile: So yeah, message me if you're local or if you fancy a wee chat! Thanks! ^-^