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21 중 0 (0%) 개의 도전과제 완료:
개인 도전 과제


Completed 25% of the Bad Endings


Completed 50% of the Bad Endings


Completed 75% of the Bad Endings


Completed all Bad Endings

All Clear

You've seen the entire story

Not yet

You've gathered 25% of the CGs

Halfway there!

You've gathered 50% of the CGs

Just a little more...

You've gathered 75% of the CGs


You've completed all of the CG scenes!

Welcome to Manten Aquarium

You've started the game


Seek out one of the gems

Traces of the girl

Try standing still from time to time

Something I want to confirm

Overlooking things is forbidden

I can't take it anymore!

Sometimes you feel like you want to throw in the towel

Scenes that remain in your heart

Each of those moments are a part of your journey......

A strong faith

Within the girl is born a strong faith in him

5 개의 숨겨진 도전 과제가 남아있음

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