BenBIGƵ:SGO [#1 Ricksaw]
Clane Island - Treasure hunting missing CS2 packets   United States
:Kenny: :speaker_pole: "This is where everything begins. When you step into my $989,000,000 facility—with your skinny posture and your skinny legs, and your pigeon toed walk, and your goofy smile, and your unathletic mindset—trust me I'm going to change that. I am going to transform you. I am going to mold you into a position where you are going to dominate. Every day. Every week. Every year. Every century— Millennium. Until you're out in the universe and you're going through dimensions. Different dimensions, and we're time travelling. And your consciousness exists, and continues to exist in parallel universes through galaxies and... Did someone put something in these brownies I had earlier?"

Why are there Chinese players in my game?
Dead game player.

brb guys going to play with my action figures
Ah heck
We're turning goat pee into gasoline.
Lt. Commander Ricksaw NERFED in CS2!
Dangerously based
MRW Zaine

Proud ESN:B sponsored athlete rifling for ƵaNe. Yep. That's me in my profile picture.
Wealth Acquisition Specialist for ƵaNe
Community Coordinator for ƵaNeRgY® :ctm_energy_drink::pokerfacepol:
CIO ƵaNe Capital
MVP of ƵaNe ClaNe for 102 weeks straight and counting
#1 Ricksaw player in North America

I go by many things, mainly
Alpha analyst
Insurance intellectual
Striation strategist
Formerly, mass.US sponsored athlete for ƵaNe Ƶ, [MASS.WORLD], LIGHTNING STORM™®©, MASS.MUTUAL,, <CHISELED>, s.US ඞ,,,,, <STRIATED>, <JKT>, [MASSIVE], Crunch.EaƵe, <CHISELED(byClanE)>, <JKT>, [HUGE], <STRIATED>, [BIG], [Unfathomable.MASS]
Full time mentor and boxing partner of the upcoming ƵaNe phenom, BEEF[200KG] sponsored by Mutant® MASS™

Bee sure to try our flagship product - ƵaNeRgY LIGHTNING STORM™®© :ctm_energy_drink: New flavors coming soon.

"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ."
-Colossians 2:8

Mouse sens
Logitech G303 Wireless @ 1600 DPI
CS:GO 4:3 stretched 1920x1440 1.5 sens .48 zoom myaw 0.0165 ~22.5-23cm 360 1:1 1440x1440 myaw 0.0124
CS:GO 16:9 2560x1440 1.13 aim 0.48 zoom myaw 0.022 default
TF2 2560x1440 1.13 sens ~22.5-23cm 360
The Finals 2560x1440 37 look
Planetside 2 - G Pro Wireless ~13cm / ~21cm ads 1x sight / ~70cm 4x scoped



:FortifiedCaptain: :FortifiedCaptain: :FortifiedCaptain: :FortifiedCaptain: :FortifiedCaptain: :FortifiedCaptain:
:FortifiedCaptain: :FortifiedCaptain: :FortifiedCaptain: :FortifiedCaptain: :FortifiedCaptain: :FortifiedCaptain:

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Mr. CS:GOs
Review Showcase
1,784 Hours played
Edit: April 2024 - Hey uh... We're pushing 9 months in here and the game still has issues with losing input/freezing/crashing and hit registration even on LAN in tournaments. Recently a new frame drop/hitch has cropped up as well for me. The game is extremely unstable and it seems every other patch they add a new hitch back as soon as it goes away. Packet loss and jittering player models are still out of control in online play. It's still not a competitive game.
I haven't been able to load any workshop maps for months now as I get "Unable to Establish a Connection with the Gameserver" error every time I try to load one. I've reinstalled Windows and the problem persists, I've even tried alternate accounts, so it's not on my end.

Packet loss is exacerbated if you have a relatively slow CPU and/or have a lot of programs running in the background, since the game seems to have CPU scheduling issues. Reinstalling Windows helped clear up some of the latency issues, and shaved a whole 40ms off my total system latency shown with cl_ticktiming command. I am using an i9-10900k at 5GHz Core and 4.8GHz Ring with B-die CL14 3200MHz 2x16GB dual rank RAM for reference.

CS2 is not a competitive online shooter in its current state with all the performance and networking issues.

Whose grand idea was it to change the tried and true tick system into a "sub-tick" system with more rapid and inconsistent packets which in turn introduces gameplay inconsistency and packet loss? It's actually inferior to 64 tick. 128 tick would've been great. Source 2 has none of the finger prints of the original Source devs. It would not surprise me at all if there are a bunch of people who have no clue what made Source so good working on this 20 years after Source.

This isn't CS:GO, this is a laggy piece of trash! The netcode has actually managed to regress in the "upgraded" edition. It is now impossible to fight moving players regardless of ping because half of the time they're jittering, warping, or teleporting into your view regardless of server because of Valve's forced sub-tick system—more on that later. Even my teammates are jittering around at the start of a round with single digit ping. People have proven that hitboxes are detaching from the player models quite significantly. When people figure this out and abuse it by only buying SMGs, they can actually just dumpster your entire team and be virtually invulnerable as long as they're moving. Pistol rounds are a complete dumpster fire too.

CS:GO went from one of the tightest online shooters on the market to a sloppy mess. Really CS:GO has been made into a game that doesn't resemble Counter-Strike at all. The hitreg wasn't perfect before but at least I never died behind walls and rarely saw players teleporting. If I did encounter a teleporting player, they had exorbitant ping where the interpolation just couldn't smooth it out nicely. Sub-tick, Valve's grand new idea to fix a problem that doesn't exist by forcing 64 tick servers with instant moving and shooting reports, is also horrible for anyone who has played anything in the Counter-Strike series. Valve is just too cheap to just do 128 tick servers despite making at least $100M a month off case openings. Flicking no longer works like it used to because shots register instantly instead of when the animation plays, so all your CS muscle memory is for nothing—especially if you're an AWPer or a flicky, reactive player.

After checking with the netgraph feature in game, I can see that I consistently have 5-10% packet loss spikes despite having good internet and sub 20ms ping. This happens every single game on Valve official matchmaking servers. It is unplayable.
Packet loss is fixed in the October 25 2023 patch and the game feels a lot sharper. Update February 2024 packet loss is back.

They deleted a bunch of maps, game modes, and community servers. The only thing to do now is grind matchmaking which now requires 10 wins per map for one of the old-school ranks silver to global, and they're trying to funnel everyone into the half-baked premier mode which only represents rank with an arbitrary number which is entirely unfun and not at all motivating. They also seem to have wiped everyone's competitive win count from Global-Offensive.

I've had significantly more fun in Counter-Strike: Source recently, despite its flaws, than Counter-Strike 2. I'm afraid there will never be a competitive shooter or community server experience like CS:GO ever again.

Literally everyone is cheating in premier. Even if your game starts relatively fair, if you have decent aim they'll start cheating to drag out the game to overtime. Premier on US servers is also full of international players and even Chinese players with terrible connections.
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