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0.4 Hours played
Precision action platforming with janky but predictable controls. This is probably something I would have played and gotten into when I was 7 years old, paid for a rental, and didn't have any other choices for games, but at this point the platforming isn't really that rewarding or fun for the number of times you'll die.

Every time you lose you think you have to train yourself to be a better robot, pushing the buttons more precisely at the right times without error. With no additional gameplay mechanics or bells or whistles or draws to the game I can call this a pretty pure example of the "realtime precision button pressing" genre. That should be a steam game tag so I know to avoid it in future purchases.

As someone else stated, you will either waste a lot of time on this game trying to prove you are hardcore or be done with it in 15 minutes. I can't help but think all the wannabe badasses who love this game are under 21, bored, and competing in their own version of an arm wrestling contest with Internet strangers OR are maybe prone to crying out at night "I'm too weak! I'm too weak!" while engaging in self flagellation to toughen themselves (i.e. their fingers) up. I also give this game one finger up.
puargs Jan 17, 2013 @ 6:28am 
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY MAN. I figured I'd leave this here instead of elsewhere because I know Steam means more to you than Facebook.