Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

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1 van de 12 (8%) prestaties behaald:
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Pretty Picture

Collected 50 Diamonds to unlock your first Painting in the Castle
Ontgrendeld op 30 apr 2020 om 14:30

World of Illusion

Collected all the Magic Playing Cards


Collected all of Donald's Chili Peppers

Masters of Illusions

Completed the Game

Castle Decor

Completed a Castle Statue

Masters of Illusion

Completed all Castle Statues

Fortune Hunter

Found 50% of all Magic Diamonds

Money Bags

Found all the Magic Diamonds


Broke the illusion of 75 enemies


Bounced on 7 enemies in a row without touching the ground

Illusion Breaker

Broke the illusion of 25 enemies with projectiles

Tick Tock

Completed a stage in Time Attack mode