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0.0 godz. w ciągu ost. 2 tyg. / 6.7 godz. łącznie
Zamieszczono 5 marca 2022 o 4:53
Zaktualizowano 5 marca 2022 o 4:55

An extremely crude and excruciatingly boring P.T. rip-off (aka: a "walking down the same stretch of spooky corridor with minor variations" simulator).

Shoddy sound effects, poor voice acting, frig-all story...this game's idea of a "jump scare" is to have a toilet flush loudly nearby. I crap you not.

It's also so darkly lit that I spent a couple of minutes walking up and down a hallway, trying to work out what the game wanted me to do next...before I accidentally picked up a scrap of paper with a news story on it. (I think it was attached to a darkened patch of wall?) Suffice it to say, I spent the rest of the game walking around spamming everything with the "E" button. Gotta love a good "strategy" game!

I almost gave up altogether in an alleged (i.e. near-empty) "storage room" whose door refused to re-open...until I looked up a review that said there was a glitch that required you to stand by the sofa for several seconds. Some impressive "puzzle design" right there! I mean: what kind of fool doesn't know that loitering next to sofas is a sure-fire way to unlock stubborn doors?! I was slapping myself on the forehead for minutes after that one...

The only "plus" I can think of (and I'm being generous here): this game does have a tiny shred of atmosphere. That's it. That's what the 2.5/10 is for. And that said: it's hard not to be a tiny bit unsettling with someone continually blowing random, discordant notes from a kid's flute/recorder in your ear for most of the game. And oh man, those super-loud and super-long "screwing up a piece of paper" sound effects...

Keep your money, and spare your ears. Nothing to see here, and definitely nothing that you'll want to hear. (It is refreshingly short, though, at well under twenty minutes. Small frigging mercies, eh?)

Verdict: 2.5/10.

(PS If you enjoyed this review, feel free to check out my two Curator pages:
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