เวลาเล่นใน 2 สัปดาห์ที่ผ่านมา:

0 จาก 29 (0%) รางวัลความสำเร็จที่ได้รับ:

Capture Beginner

Successfully captured an Onigo for the first time.

Capture Craftsman

Successfully captured an Onigo 30 times.

Capture Master

Successfully captured an Onigo 100 times.

Capture Ace

Successfully captured an Onigo 300 times.

Amateur Fortifier

Used fortification for the first time.

The Hope of the Fortifiers

Used fortification 10 times.

Master Fortifier

Used fortification 60 times.

Great Fortifier

Used fortification 100 times.

Beginner Hunter

Raised the hunter rank to D.

Intermediate Hunter

Raised the hunter rank to C.

Advanced Hunter

Raised the hunter rank to B.

Veteran Hunter

Raised the hunter rank to A.

Top Notch Hunter

Raised the hunter rank to S.

Best Hunter in the World

Raised the hunter rank to SS.

Legendary Hunter

Raised the hunter rank to SSS.

Onigo Expert

Completed 20% of the Catalog.

Onigo Doctor

Completed 50% of the Catalog.

Great Onigo Sage

Completed 100% of the Catalog.

Fabled Hunter

Completed 5 requests.

Famous Hunter

Completed 30 requests.

Idol Hunter

Completed 100 requests.


Harvested from a magic plant pot for the first time.

Gardening Authority

Harvested from a magic plant pot 20 times.

คงเหลือ 6 รางวัลความสำเร็จลับ
