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Thành tựu cá nhân

Beginner Turtler

Beat Hordes on Beginner or higher difficulty

Familiar Turtler

Beat Horde Mode on Familiar or higher difficulty

Skilled Turtler

Beat Horde Mode on Skilled or higher difficulty

Master Turtler

Beat Hordes on Master difficulty

Beginner Skirmisher

Beat Skirmish AI that was Beginner or higher difficulty

Familiar Skirmisher

Beat Skirmish AI that was Familiar or higher difficulty

Skilled Skirmisher

Beat Skirmish AI that was Skilled or higher difficulty

Master Skirmisher

Beat Skirmish AI that was Master difficulty

Master of The Fertile Crescent

Completed the Campaign

Ruler of Babylon

Won a game aligned with the Babylonians

Ruler of Assyria

Won a game aligned with the Assyrians

Ruler of Egypt

Won a game aligned with the Egyptians

Ruler of Ancient Age

Won a game during Early Age

Grasping the Fundamental Principles

Completed the first Campaign mission