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9 achievement su 9 (100%) ottenuti:
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Sbloccato in data 9 gen 2017, ore 10:01

Chained Ridge

Cross the chained ridge pass.
Sbloccato in data 9 gen 2017, ore 18:09


Push through the strong winds and whiteout conditions.
Sbloccato in data 9 gen 2017, ore 10:08


Play through the game with the music on.
Sbloccato in data 9 gen 2017, ore 10:12

Open Clearing

Run across the clearing to reach the summit.
Sbloccato in data 9 gen 2017, ore 10:15


Enjoy the view from the mountain summit.
Sbloccato in data 9 gen 2017, ore 10:10


Complete one playthrough of the story.
Sbloccato in data 9 gen 2017, ore 10:11

Sunset 100%

Play through all the story choices to the end.
Sbloccato in data 9 gen 2017, ore 18:11

Special Edition

Read through the new intro chapter.
Sbloccato in data 9 gen 2017, ore 18:20