Jessica   United States
CelestialSushi on tumblr [celestialsushi.tumblr.com]
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I honestly kinda suck at traditional-looking latte art but this one actually turned out pretty nice lol
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Review Showcase
As a first-time player, I didn't have the nostalgia goggles I know a lot of people looking forward to this game have. Don't get me wrong, though, I was eagerly anticipating this release, too :3 I've played other point-and-click adventure games before, like Sam & Max, the Monkey Island series, and Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People, so I was looking forward to more games in the same genre, and generally knew what to expect in terms of basic gameplay.

This game delivered; I REALLY enjoyed it. The story took some unpredictable turns, the "ah-ha!" moments when I figured out a puzzle were great (as they usually are in games like these), and the writing was really good. Also, there were memorable characters (Glottis stands out the most for me for some reason; and though a minor character, I loved that there was someone Hungarian, me being half-Hungarian myself :3), and there are six different language options (in the US version) with FULL AUDIO. That was an awesome addition.

My only complaint is that the game, as it stands now relatively soon after release, is full of glitches and bugs. The glitches range from funny (a character magically "levitating" an object in midair when they move their hand :3) to downright annoying (the game freezing up and not letting you do anything). To avoid these pitfalls, it's important that you SAVE OFTEN because the game doesn't autosave, and if you meet an unexpected glitch, you might have to replay a significant portion of the chapter/game. Also, as others have pointed out, the game seems to require an unexpectedly high set of minimum specs to run the game. Still, the problems weren't enough to deter me from playing all the way through, because I was hooked and wanted to find out what happened.

In short, if you haven't played this game, please try it out! And if you have, maybe you want to give it another try? Just remember to save and SAVE OFTEN.