Shinjitsu Sureiya
Do u know what loneliness is well let me tell u it a pit of nothing and emptyness. Its like walking down street which has been nuked knowing no one cares or exists. Well i have seen this and maybe i am a bit better off now. But i can say 4 sure i hate humanity weird huh comin from a human maybe....i dont know if i consider my self human. And if thats true what am i. What i do know is i goin 2 live my way with the truths i know and and my darkness. Who knows maybe there is a person who exists like me in this world but yet not part of it. I walk a path i cant see.
Currently Offline
LunaLighter May 27, 2022 @ 11:22pm 
An updated link- for those who would like it:
LunaLighter May 27, 2022 @ 11:20pm 
It's been so long- and things have gotten so hard, Josh...

I know you're out there somewhere cracking jokes, and carrying on in the way you do-

I remember so many long days and nights playing Halo- you teasing Jon, and spinning absolute nonsense into fantastical stories that brought us joy and laughter. That's all that really mattered- all that should ever matter; and I think we've all begun to forget it as we face adulthood...

Times have gotten tougher as we've gotten older- things hurt more, and people care less and less about your plights; but as we move forward, I for one refuse to let the good memories of my childhood fade. One day I, or perhaps even all of us could see you in your final resting place; to pay you the respect you deserve- and finally get the chance to properly say goodbye.

Keep resting well knowing that the influences you've had on this earth are with us to this day, and will continue to echo in our hearts and minds until we each get to see you again. <3
OhHiMarc Mar 15, 2017 @ 6:46pm 
About three years and one month since you've been gone. We haven't forgotten about you in the slightest. Resting well up there?
Soviet Sandwich Jul 7, 2016 @ 2:32pm 
I found that obituary page and I let some others know.

We had a lot of fun together man. For years, every day I looked forward to hopping on my xbox or my computer at the end of the day or on a weekend, and gaming it up with you and the guys and having a blast.

You were so much fun to be around, Josh.

Such a witty and bubbly character. I wish I had the chance to meet you in person.

You became a very welcome and brilliant part of my life in your brilliant smartass, jackass, asshat kind of way. I have so many great memories I shared with you.

I'll try to get in contact with your ma sometime, and hopefully visit you where you rest some day.

I really miss you man, I will never forget you.

Rest in peace, Josh.
OhHiMarc Feb 10, 2016 @ 5:47pm 
Here's hoping the best for you; we haven't given up on you yet.