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Senaste recensioner av x4mer

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4.5 timmar totalt
A game with a lot of potential, that just doesn't quite come though. The interface with the ship options, implies something more grand, but the gameplay doesn't live up to it. It's still a decent time killer if you like basic shooters.

Upplagd 12 juli 2018.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
13.0 timmar totalt (12.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
It's a basic game with basic graphics, but if you liked Kaboom or Crackpots on the Atari 2600, then you may like this. It gets considerably more difficult as the levels go on, but nothing too hard for an achievement hunter.

Upplagd 12 juli 2018.
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10.8 timmar totalt
Very basic game, that has possibility but left unpursued. There is a ton of loadout made available for your character as you progress, but it is overkill. The levels should have been where the time was spent instead of the loadout. If you're an achievement hunter, it will be a grind to get all achievements.

Upplagd 12 juli 2018.
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18.4 timmar totalt
Enjoyable puzzler. If you're looking for an easy casual game, then this may not be it, as it gets quite challenging as the levels go on.
Upplagd 12 juli 2018.
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8.5 timmar totalt (7.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)

Heh. Loved this game back on Amiga, and it doesn't disappoint now. Simple contols and mechanics (most contollers only had one button back then), but challenging difficulty.

Don't drown in the flood in the caves

Upplagd 12 juli 2018.
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17.5 timmar totalt (16.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Was a decent game, with a decent story line, but it was pretty glitchy with the hotspots of interactivity.

Upplagd 12 juli 2018. Senast ändrad 7 april 2019.
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31.1 timmar totalt
This game was an ongoing battle of mine for a long time. You should get your money's worth out of it, if you can appreciate a VERY challenging goal that you have to work at to get. The final boss battle took me 'forever' to finally beat. I'd leave it alone for a while, and try again every so often.

The graphics have something 'not quite right' about them. I think the objects are a too large for the view window, but I think that for a lot of indie titles.

If you can appresiate a challenge, give it a go.

Upplagd 12 juli 2018. Senast ändrad 12 juli 2018.
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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
18.7 timmar totalt (18.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Really liked this game. It's been quite a while waiting for the devs to release the last 2 stages, but I'm glad it has finally happened.

If you grew up playing Atari or the original NES, then you'll probably like this game. Otherwise you'll probably think the game is too hard, with graphics that make you dismiss it before trying it. That said, the two new stages (5 & 6) are quite a bit harder than the game had been when it only had four stages.

The new stages add an additional controller mapping that brings new functionality to the game. You can now snipe, lay dynamite charges, call air strikes, in addition to your usual controls. Enhancing the original controls are new weapons, most notably a flame thrower, which is great fun and powerful.

Upplagd 12 juli 2018. Senast ändrad 12 juli 2018.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
8.1 timmar totalt (4.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
This was the first hidden object, point and click game I ever played. I enjoyed it immensely and lead me to adding lots of other Artifex Mundi titles to my library.

If you're looking for a casual, story based game to play, with a bit of thinking involved, then give this a go.

Upplagd 12 juli 2018. Senast ändrad 12 juli 2018.
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3 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
19.1 timmar totalt (18.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Very under rated game, that I thought was outstanding. The graphics are vivid and nicely done, with entrancing music, paced well for a hectic twin stick. The controls are smooth and responsive as well.

It has an interesting single player story mode, and single/multi player challenge modes. There are 10 mulit-wave stages to complete in story mode, with a boss challenge at the ends of stages.The story mode starts off pretty basic, and not much of a challenge other than making sure your ship doesn't run out of energy before the wave is done, but the challenge becomes quite intense as the story moves along.

Each stage is is split into a number of waves, and if you fail your mission, you can continue from the beginning of the most recent wave instead of having to restart the whole stage. If you quit however. next time playing you can only select to start from the beginning of the highest stage you've unlocked.

There are numerous different enemies that get introduced as you make your way through the story, each with markedly different characteristics. Reaching certain milestones in the game, unlocks additional weapons, modifiers, and specials.

The objective of the game is to complete each wave/goal, without running out of time on the meter in the top center of the screen. It's labelled as time, but as far as game mechanics go, it's really an energy meter. Your ship consumes energy at a gradual rate, and as you collect the little blue energy balls left over from destroyed enemies, it rebuilds your energy.

If you are hit by an enemy, it consumes some of your energy. If you use your special to activate a shield or turret etc., it also consumes some of your energy, so you have to use it strategically to avoid putting your energy at a dangerously low level. If your energy bar ever reaches zero, it's mission failed.

The game had three broken Steam achievements, that were removed by the devs in the last few weeks, so 100% achievement status is now possible.
Upplagd 24 februari 2018. Senast ändrad 24 februari 2018.
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