
Последние обзоры x4mer

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2.1 ч. всего (3.5 ч. в момент написания)
I would rather play Racer 8.

See my review of that for more details.

Опубликовано 4 февраля 2018 г..
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12.6 ч. всего (12.5 ч. в момент написания)
Enjoyable leisurely adventure, with nice fluid controls.

There are many stages and most of them adhere to the leisurely style, but there are four (IIRC) stages (Suburbs, Mad Tram, Get out of here, and Lifts) that are rapid stages under pressure. The first three are like speedrunner levels, while the last is made hectic by having a "wall of death" following you, forcing you to make your maneuvers quickly.

Some people feel these levels are out of place in the game and wish they were removed. If you're just looking to get through the speedrunner levels to continue on with the game, just ignore the collectible blue sparks (and green bolts unless you need one), and concentrate on staying on a live wire and avoiding the red bolts.. If you're trying to get the achievement for these levels, take full advantage of the fact you're not penalized for falling off the wires. Jump off intentionally to redo an area where you missed some sparks. Jump off before the half way check point to keep doing the first half, and off before the finish to keep doing the 2nd half. Only the ones you missed are there on redo runs

Опубликовано 12 января 2018 г..
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53.5 ч. всего (53.3 ч. в момент написания)
Decent game, with an outstanding soundtrack. All songs are in ogg format in the game directory, so you can easily copy to your music collection.

It is a LOOOONG grind though, to get all achievements.
Опубликовано 26 ноября 2017 г.. Отредактировано 7 апреля 2019 г..
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8.5 ч. всего
Very well done game. I enjoyed all aspects of it.

I see reviews complaining that it was bad or tedious to have to backtrack a character to help another. Don't get your characters too far ahead, and that won't happen. Each character has strengths and weaknesses. The stages aren't just about getting each character to the goal, it's about working them together as a team to overcome each other's weaknesses.

It's a fun team building exercise, in a puzzler, in a platformer, with great narration and audio.

If you're having trouble getting this game to run at something more than ~1fps, be sure to have the game installed to a local drive Steam folder. I normally install ALL Steam games to a Steam folder on my NAS that's mapped to S: on all PCs in my house. I install from any PC and it's available from all PCs. This game was unplayable for months. I tried everything I could think of and it ran terribly on all PCs. I finally tried installing it locally on one PC (then another) and it ran great. Don't know why it does that, as it's a simple 2D game, not something that's spooling a lot of textures and environments.

9/10 for not working on shared resource.

Опубликовано 11 июня 2017 г..
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19.4 ч. всего
Loved this game. Zelda style but progressing through the different eras of tech,

Gfx, music, interface, and play type all evolve as you progress. As someone who has been gaming since the '80's, this was a great salute to the history of (Nintendo) gaming.

Someone's review complained of disc load within a single town, and said it was annoying. I found the effect humorous, and is easily remedied by buying the fast DVD player in the same town (in game affects RL - brilliant).

Опубликовано 23 апреля 2017 г..
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19.9 ч. всего
Really enjoyed this one.

It's broken for Windows 10 despite the fact that it's only a few years old. Launching the game results in a blank display for about a half an hour till the game shows up. Looking at the discussion forum, I found posts saying to run it in Windows compatiblilty mode, with Steam overlay disabled. This worked fine, so I didn't bother trying to find settings that worked for me on my own. You just don't know if you got an achivement till after you close the game, since overlay is disabled.

Atmosphere and language are well done for a game set in the '50s. Music is also well done. I would give it a "Rated M for mature" rating due to the content at numerous points. This lends to the realism of a prison based period piece. I really liked the mechanic of there being 2 stories going on at the same time, one inside and one outside.

For achievemant hunters, there are 3 that are VERY unlikely to be obtained in the initial playthrough. Most missed ones are easily obtained by working from various save points, but three of them require specific action or you'll have to replay from the beginning,
Опубликовано 25 марта 2017 г.. Отредактировано 25 марта 2017 г..
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2.4 ч. всего (2.2 ч. в момент написания)
Whenever there's a take on an old classic, there's a big problem of living up to the feeling of nostalgia in the player's mind. There's no disappointment here.

Bad Caterpillar offers a great throwback for people who grew up playing centipede or millipede. Very enjoyable game, and I would highly recommend it to younger people who never experienced Atari arcade machines in their heyday. Simple concept, with great playability.

The only problem with it, is goals for replayability. In the arcade you always had the high scores table tempting you to play again to climb the charts and get your name on there. On Steam, most high score based games eventually get their high score tables polluted by hackers showing impossible scores, Steam achievements could have been used to create more incentive to play more.

I detest it when games have ludicrous amounts of achievements, and make it VERY tedious to 'perfect' the game. I was happy to see that this game didn't do that, but felt it should have had some more, to keep people coming back a little longer.
Опубликовано 18 февраля 2017 г..
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4.3 ч. всего
Really enjoyed this game. I was expecting a LIMBO clone, but was moreso reminded of Another World.

The sound, graphic environment, and voice over provided a very good atmosphere, and I felt the main character design and movement was very well done.

My only complaint was that the game was too short, but that's usually the case with almost anything you're enjoying.

Опубликовано 16 октября 2016 г.. Отредактировано 7 апреля 2019 г..
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1.6 ч. всего
Game was free in a promotion, and provided free Steam cards.

I'm left wanting more......just not of this.
Опубликовано 12 января 2015 г..
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10.4 ч. всего (10.4 ч. в момент написания)
Very enjoyable game.

The dual stick control system seemed a bit clumsy at first, but once I kept the smaller brother to the right of the bigger brother all the time, simultaneous control of both brothers seemed pretty natural after a short time.

It was a great storyline, that drew me in like I was watching a good movie. This makes sense, since it was developed in collaboration with an award winning film director. Having said that, if you don't like scripted games and usually only appreciate open sandbox games, then this game may not be for you.

I found playing the game to be a very emotional experience. The characters speak in a made up language, but their body language and emotion are well done, and allow the story to target all audiences regardless of language.

10/10. Blah blah blah blah blah again.

Опубликовано 12 января 2015 г.. Отредактировано 23 ноября 2016 г..
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31–40 из 43