Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
Je moet zijn aangemeld om deze statistieken met die van jezelf te vergelijken
13 van de 41 (32%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

Meet Rena

Unlock Rena as a playable character.
Ontgrendeld op 28 dec 2022 om 4:26

The first week of siege

Survive the first 7 days of the invasion.
Ontgrendeld op 28 dec 2022 om 4:29

Remains of the past

Collect all piles inside the castle.
Ontgrendeld op 28 dec 2022 om 3:09

No rest for the wicked

Build enough beds for all characters.
Ontgrendeld op 28 dec 2022 om 5:02

Run for your life

Survive a fight during the nighttime scavenge.
Ontgrendeld op 28 dec 2022 om 3:35

Fresh blood

Join any new character to your group.
Ontgrendeld op 28 dec 2022 om 4:26

Guerrilla warfare

Kill an enemy guard at night.
Ontgrendeld op 28 dec 2022 om 3:34

Meet Gerard

Unlock Gerard as a playable character.

Quick Start unlocked

Quick Start scenario is now available for you to play
Ontgrendeld op 28 dec 2022 om 1:01

Explorer unlocked

Explorer scenario is now available for you to play
Ontgrendeld op 28 dec 2022 om 1:01

Defender unlocked

Defender unlocked scenario is now available for you to play
Ontgrendeld op 28 dec 2022 om 4:29

Scavenger unlocked

Scavenger unlocked scenario is now available for you to play
Ontgrendeld op 28 dec 2022 om 4:29

Survivalist unlocked

Survivalist unlocked scenario is now available for you to play
Ontgrendeld op 28 dec 2022 om 5:59

Let's trade

Complete trade with any merchant at night.

These walls can't fall

Complete the main storyline in one of the following scenarios: Story, Quick start, or Explorer.


Complete the Scavenger scenario.


Complete the Defender scenario.


Complete the Survivalist scenario.

Hold your ground!

Win all battles of the whole scenario.

Fly, you fools!

During an enemy assault exceed their strength so much, they will flee from the battlefield.


Send out at least 2 characters to scout the enemy lines at night.

Catch 'em all

Unlock all available playable characters.

Meet Demetrius

Unlock Demetrius as a playable character.

Meet Mikel

Unlock Mikel as a playable character.

Meet Jacob

Unlock Jacob as a playable character.

Meet Kimbra

Unlock Kimbra as a playable character.

Meet Rose

Unlock Rose as a playable character.

Full house

Manage a party of 4 characters at once.

Against the odds

Provide the soldiers with enough food that they get a boost

I'm still standing

Reach 50 points of the the Bastion strength.

They shall not pass

Reach 75 points of the the Bastion strength.

Treasure hunter

Find and collect all the treasure chests available in the whole scenario.

No one dies

Finish the scenario without loosing any survivor.

I know a shortcut!

Unlock all the scavenge starting point during a single scenario.

Fire at will

Use the trebuchet during a battle.

Knowledge is the key

Prepare for using the trebuchet by scoring 4 points in scouting before a battle.

To arms!

Craft a sword using the upgraded Armoury.

I will survive

Craft a heavy armour using the upgraded Armoury.

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