Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

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2 van de 11 (18%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

Axis Victory (South Map)

Win playing as Axis on the south map.
Ontgrendeld op 11 aug 2018 om 9:11

Axis Victory (North Map)

Win playing as Axis on the north map.
Ontgrendeld op 9 aug 2018 om 8:46

Patton's Prayer

Use Patton's Prayer card.

Axis Victory (Full Map)

Win playing as Axis on the full map.

Allied Victory (Full Map)

Win playing as Allies on the full map.

Allied Victory (South Map)

Win playing as Allies on the south map.

Allied Victory (North Map)

Win playing as Allies on the north map.

100 Axis Mech

Destroy 100 Axis Mech Units
0 / 100

100 Axis Leg

Destroy 100 Axis Leg (Infantry) Units
0 / 100

100 Allied Mech

Destroy 100 Allied Mech Units
58 / 100

100 Allied Leg

Destroy 100 Allied Leg (Infantry) Units
85 / 100