[JS] Tricky jumped 299.2004 units with a Bhop [12 Strafes | 355.819 Pre | 388.404 Max | Height 58.4 | 90% Sync]
#. Sync Gained Lost MaxSpeed
1. 88% 10.396 68.297 297.918
2. 91% 12.699 0.000 310.618
3. 100% 10.566 0.000 321.184
4. 100% 11.786 0.000 332.971
5. 88% 7.897 0.395 340.472
6. 90% 10.309 0.000 350.782
7. 100% 9.030 0.000 359.812
8. 100% 9.057 0.000 368.869
9. 75% 6.313 0.000 375.183
10. 67% 6.853 0.000 382.037
11. 100% 5.300 0.000 387.338
12. 50% 1.066 12.715 388.404 (BHOP PB FW)
[KZ] Tricky jumped 290.0693 units with a LongJump [12 Strafes | 276.101 Pre | 375 Max | Height 57.0 | 90% Sync | JumpOff Edge 3.788 | CrouchJump: yes | -Forward: yes] [283 block] (LJ PB KZ PRE)
[Celerity] Tricky jumped 273.0178 units with a LongJump [12 Strafes | 250.000 Pre | 366 Max | Height 57.0 | 95% Sync | JumpOff Edge 3.740 | CrouchJump: yes | -Forward: yes] [267 block] (LJ PB NOPRE)
[JS] Tricky jumped 296.4331 units with a Bhop [11 Strafes | 363.056 Pre | 389.990 Max | Height 58.4 | 95% Sync] (PB BHOP SW)

[vJumpstats] Tricky jumped 291.8972 units with a LongJump [12 Strafes | 277.291 Pre | 379.851 Max | Height 56.9 | 89% Sync] (Lj Pb Fw)

PB Bhop Nopre KZ:

[JS] Tricky jumped 290.7145 units with a LongJump [12 Strafes | 277.402 Pre | 382.290 Max | Height 56.9 | 91% Sync] [282 block]
#. Sync Gained Lost MaxSpeed AirTime
1. 100% 15.002 0.000 292.405 11%
2. 100% 11.954 0.000 304.359 9%
3. 100% 8.747 0.000 313.107 7%
4. 100% 10.050 0.000 323.158 7%
5. 89% 9.258 0.000 332.416 9%
6. 100% 9.342 0.000 341.759 7%
7. 100% 7.864 0.000 349.623 7%
8. 89% 8.677 0.000 358.300 9%
9. 90% 9.285 0.000 367.586 9%
10. 100% 5.970 0.000 373.556 5%
11. 80% 8.149 0.000 381.706 9%
12. 50% 0.584 0.059 382.290 2% (Sw Lj Pb, World record)

alias +LJ "-forward; +duck; +jump; +klook";alias -LJ "-duck; -jump; -klook";bind mouse5 "+LJ lj bind
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Broadkiller Apr 25 @ 12:05pm 
friendly mate ❣️
CGF Mar 5 @ 1:49pm 
-rep subnormal
sasu Feb 28 @ 3:41pm 
the sex was great but why did you eat my dog?
sasu Jan 6 @ 2:56am 
+rep hot and tall
YeZ Brutalz Jan 5 @ 8:36am 
+rep, great survivor. Just has to work on looping, doing gens, getting chased, unhooking, hitting skill checks, vaulting windows, vaulting pallets, dropping pallets, cleansing totems, surviving, not getting killed, avoiding the killer, getting flashlight blinds, flashlight saves, game sense, using items, stunning killers and holding w. Other than that great surv!
Hot Gamer Girl Sep 29, 2023 @ 4:04pm 
-Rep tryhard crabgame