Temps de jeu des 2 dernières semaines :

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Succès remportés : 0 sur 19 (0%)
Succès personnels


Win a match

Blow the man down

Kill another player

Feed the fish

Kill 10 players in a match

Shark bait

Kill 100 players across all matches

Feed the sharks

Kill 1000 players across all matches

Ahoy, Matey

Kill 10 players without dying


Kill 5 players without dying

Ahoy, me Hearties!

Kill 15 players without dying


Kill another player while they are on a killing spree

Yo Ho Ho!

Kill 2 players within 15 seconds of eachother

Heave Ho!

Kill 3 players within 15 seconds of eachother

Shiver me timbers!

Kill 5 players within 15 seconds of eachother

Scurvy dog

Win 10 matches


Win 100 matches

Live to fight another day

Finish a round without dying

Flawless Victory

Win a round without dying

Old Salt

Win 1000 matches

2 succès cachés restants

Les détails de chaque succès seront révélés une fois débloqués