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Julkaistu: 12.3.2022 klo 2.27

Game was pretty okay for it's price.

It's an simplistic plattformer with an pretty reserved artstyle.

The game calls itself an metroidvania but unlockable abilities are only needed to find some secret "souls" you can trade in for different masks who give some benefits in exchange for an disadvantage. To be honest I didn't really care for the masks and most of the time I didn't wear any except the one that makes me faster for less life, because
less life is the only disadvantage that don't have an effect on the controls,

Where we at them I think the controls are fine and precise I don't share the opinion of other reviewers here, dunno if they were finetuned during some patches I can only say asides from some edges of plattforms you can drift off to, controling the character in the recent state of the game was fun.
I especially liked the rumble feature when throwing your shield, destroying things, or using the dash float, it felt more impactful that way. There is a slight knockback when you throw the shield which kills your momentum, however i'm pretty sure it was implemented on purpose so attack spamming doesn't become overpowered, always when you attack you leave yourself vulnerable for a split second, so you need to plan your attacks more carefully.

After the defeat of any boss you gain new abilities and these are all traversial ones, unfortunelately I got the only situational skill the "teleport" at last, so there were many secret I had to bypass first. The other abilities like a bubble that gains you a few seconds of elevation and the double jump, altogether with the "dash float" are easily able to combine and chain into each other which makes especially traversial in the endgame rather fun.

Well it's a short romp. There are 4 areas, each one takes approximately 25 to 40 minutes. The game isn't too difficult in my opinion, checkpoints most of the time aren't too far away and not too close to each other either, you have 3 lifes as standard. It depends which area you take first. By accident I tackled the most difficult one first it seems, "marshall rabbit" without any upgrades is probably the most difficult boss in the game. There are bonus bosses after you beat each main boss, the game warns you to gain all 3 main abilities first, but to be honest the extra bosses didn't really felt like an "hardcore post game" challenge, they were all stationary and had pretty clear telegraphed patterns throughout, but either way they were fun to fight at least, there was enough freedom with the stage layout that you could optimize them pretty well. Would have like an boss rush mode or something like that.

The last boss was also pretty fun although it was more an autoscroller plattformer, still a welcome change of pace I suppose people who struggle with plattforming will have more problems there than me.

Still I was a bit disappointed by the last area, this one you can only access when you beat the 3 other main areas. I expected that the game now demands mastery over the 4 traversial skills with finnicky plattforming sections that bring out most of the potential of the games movement, but it didn't happen. Instead it was an rather uninspiered maze where you chase one dead end after another hunting for keys, with nothing new. Variety is the biggest problem here the level designs feels most of the time rather uninspired. It's okay for the short time, but I didn't encounter anything interesting. The level which is totally dark is probably still the most unorthodox one, when you have to push invulnerable enemies into spikes. (which was repeated in the last level again)

So yeah like I said not really a metroidvania, more like 3 open levels you can do in any order for accessing the 4th open one, all of them are interconnected by a short streamlined tunnel, since you already have a map of any area which shows you completely it's layout (no automapping) there is not really a sense of discovery.

I couldn't bother getting 100% either, but still I obtained the achievment I suppose since the extra bosses came with an update it's now possible to achieve above 100% dunno if that was intentional, well it helped me obtaining all achievements without having to care about backtracking for every nook and cranny. Wasn't really motivated for this to be honest. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So if you don't expect an metroidvania and rather a fun short little midcore plattformer, you're good to go.
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