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Recente recensies door Saturated Salt

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0.3 uur in totaal
I get a barely playable frame rate on the lowest settings with max interpolation on my 6900xt. Even when it runs smoothly, these "upgraded" visuals are not an improvement from the intentional aesthetic of the original which has aged like wine.
Geplaatst 23 januari 2023.
Was deze recensie nuttig? Ja Nee Grappig Prijs
Niemand heeft deze recensie tot nu toe als nuttig gemarkeerd
20.6 uur in totaal
The game is quite moody, with atmosphere that undeniably makes you feel grim. The actual gameplay is pretty average, but you keep going for the narrative. They did a pretty good job at making you feel choices matter.
Geplaatst 20 september 2014.
Was deze recensie nuttig? Ja Nee Grappig Prijs
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