Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

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20 van de 27 (74%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

We're Just Getting Started

Have your heart broken
Ontgrendeld op 2 jan 2017 om 14:47

Birth of a Legend

Unlock the Warrior deck
Ontgrendeld op 2 jan 2017 om 11:58

Never Give Up!

Start a new journey after your heart breaks the first time
Ontgrendeld op 2 jan 2017 om 14:48

The Nightmare Begins

Visit the Meadows of Madness
Ontgrendeld op 2 jan 2017 om 12:18

So... Thirsty...

Visit the Blandlands
Ontgrendeld op 29 jan 2017 om 15:26

Lots of Bones Here

Visit the Ruinous Bog
Ontgrendeld op 27 jan om 16:35

Smells Weird

Visit Tangleslime Swamp
Ontgrendeld op 4 feb om 13:05

Watch Your Step!

Visit the Cliffs of Mythos
Ontgrendeld op 4 feb om 13:24

The Floors Are Sticky

Enter Castle Stuck
Ontgrendeld op 19 mei om 17:46

Double Decker

Unlock a second deck
Ontgrendeld op 29 jan 2017 om 15:55

Faster, Stronger

Upgrade your first card in any deck
Ontgrendeld op 27 jan om 16:54

Myriodd Liberated!

Defeat Emperor Stuck
Ontgrendeld op 19 mei om 17:54

It's Still a Win

Cause the enemy to sacrifice the last card
Ontgrendeld op 29 jan 2017 om 16:20

Ooooohh Shiny!

Collect a wildstone from a card
Ontgrendeld op 2 jan 2017 om 14:46

Extremly Frugal

Defeat the enemy without using any spells
Ontgrendeld op 10 feb om 3:29

No More Room

Fill the bar for all energy types.
Ontgrendeld op 15 mei om 16:32

On a Roll

Match 10 cards in a row
Ontgrendeld op 29 jan 2017 om 15:38

Shoot The Moon

Match every numeral in a single streak
Ontgrendeld op 29 jan 2017 om 15:57

Unfriendly Neighbors

Battle all 18 enemy types
Ontgrendeld op 15 mei om 17:54

Zoologist of the Weird

Encounter all enemy traits
Ontgrendeld op 19 mei om 17:44

In the Money

Collect 50+ coins from a single card

It Didn't Look Dangerous

Break your heart by taking fatal damage on the last card

Full Inversion

Use Cosmic Inversion to go from 1 health to full

Health Nut

Buy all 3 potions in a single journey

Flea Market Veteran

Buy every item in the game

Professor of Mysticism

Buy every spell in the game

Goop No More!

Defeat Emperor Stuck with every deck