Tak and the Power of Jews
aka Giantess Hatsune Miku   United States Virgin Islands
I won't let them win, no matter what!

What You Want, Not What You Need
Tak and the Power of Jews 17 MAY a las 1:04 p. m. 
Hey Whabntoua Ahdddd I Soahah Sososos Ahosagabo TIALAALA Tab COTan Fandy. ABABABABAABABAAB aaaa AAAA ohhoh ohoo
Tak and the Power of Jews 30 MAR a las 5:40 p. m. 
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring 27 MAR a las 8:22 a. m. 
that is so awesome
Tak and the Power of Jews 27 MAR a las 4:07 a. m. 
i have my halo 2 hat on lol
Tak and the Power of Jews 27 MAR a las 4:06 a. m. 
I'm drinking
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring 24 MAR a las 8:13 p. m. 