N Δ L A K 13.7.2019 klo 13.59 
   \( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    > ⌒ヽ
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c==3 レ ノ   ヽ_つ
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 ( (ヽ
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Bot Paddy 1.9.2016 klo 8.23 
It's the new meta
N Δ L A K 31.8.2016 klo 14.19 
comment :gandalf:
Judd 31.8.2016 klo 14.19 
A match was found for you, but SPUDniik failed to accept it.
WHOOOPヽ( ಥ﹏ಥ)ノ 31.8.2016 klo 14.19 
Vel 20.7.2016 klo 16.48 
A match was found for you, but SPUDniik failed to accept it.
not that weird tbh 20.7.2016 klo 15.56 
A match was found for you, but SPUDniik failed to accept it.
McLovin 12.8.2015 klo 11.00 
is noob
Vel 26.7.2015 klo 4.47 
Total douchebag
Raydex0k 14.7.2015 klo 6.46 
very cool and friendly player :)