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개인 도전 과제

Games Journalist

According to many behavioural psychologists, extrinsic rewards are thought to decrease intrinsic motivation for an activity.
2019년 5월 20일 오후 11시 16분에 획득

Core Gamer

For example, rewarding kids with pizza whenever they read a book teaches them to eat more pizza, not to read more. In fact, they'll find reading less innately enjoyable as a result.
2019년 5월 20일 오후 11시 16분에 획득

Orthodox Gamer

By achievement hunting, you're training your brain to feel less rewarded by games themselves. Therefore, we recommend that you play without regard for achievements.
2019년 5월 20일 오후 11시 16분에 획득

Verrithe Vanquished

Vacant Kingdom has many secrets, try to feel inclined to find them in order to satisfy your natural curiosity — not in order to trigger a dopamine-inducing notification.
2019년 5월 20일 오후 11시 16분에 획득