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Скорошни рецензии на UwU_DaddyMusk_69

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13.5 изиграни часа
This game got me right in the feels. Kinda caught me off guard.
Публикувана 23 ноември 2023.
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6.7 изиграни часа
Okay so first lets get a couple things out of the way.

1. No this game is not some fantastic, story driven, masterpiece. Anyone that tells you it is is an idiot

2.No it is not a dumpster fire or anything remotely resembling said dumpster fire

3. No we shouldn't go out and lynch the developers for being lazy hacks

Now that we have that all out of the way let's get to what this game actually is...

In simplest terms. This game is a $16 tech demo. That is all this really is; I mean sure they slapped a half baked and extremely vague story in there, but that is all they really did. Yes the enemy types are recycled constantly and the context for what you are doing in this game is not at all memorable or interesting. The powers are kind of boring and the awkward restrictions on style of gameplay makes this game kind of a tough sell for anyone that is even remotely picky about what they play. I will however recommend this game 100%. I know that seems kind of confusing given everything I have just said about it but let me tell you. This game is a 10/10 in one regard. It is a fantastic time killer. This is the kind of game you play when you are looking for something to derp around with for a few hours and then ultimately forget you own. I do think that the asking price of $16 is a bit steep for what you are getting but if you have the money to slap against the wall I say you should go ahead and do it.

Публикувана 12 февруари 2021.
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Все още никой не е оценил тази рецензия като полезна
1.6 изиграни часа
So I would like someone to try to explain to me why this game isn't labeled early access. This game has absolutely nothing to it and that isn't even addressing the issue of graphics or lack of missions. The landscape is baren. The character spawns are so poorly plotted that you can just walk over to the police station, stand on the side of the building, and then just stand there and watch the spawns glitch so bad that you can litteraly watch characters spawn in just to die and spew money stacks everywhere. stand there long enough and you will be able to just walk over and grab thousands of dollars for doing absolutely nothing.
But even worse than that. There is no real rhyme or reason to anything. There is no dialouge. They have it set up for a dialogue system but it seems like after the first few lines of code being written they just gave up and said ♥♥♥♥ it. You start the dialouge option and your guy has 3 choices for what to say. (Hey dude!, Follow me, and stay here) The dialogue you would use when talking to a companion and/or party member. Not just some random person you find on the street. But after you pick one of those. for follow me they of course follow you. for stay here they stay still. and for hey dude!... Nothing f***ing happens. They just go about their business as if you didn't say a damn word.
And if that wasn't bad enough. The houses are just built to fill space. They are just empty with not even a chair inside. Or they have stuff that you can't even do anything with. When it comes to building interior design or even exterior design for that matter f***king goat simulator had more effort put into it which is a damn shame.
Last issue I have is the system for getting drunk. Could be a simple enough little quirk added to make the game funny but once you decide to drink. If you don't wanna be drunk you basically have to start a new game because otherwise the drunken state will last forever. Whether it eventually fades or not i don't know I lost my patience and just started a new game. This is a terrible attempt at trying to be funny and it just made me sad. I will admit. Killing everyone was mildly entertaining for about 10 minutes but once you got all the guns and just started exploiting the A.I. It became very lack luster very fast
Публикувана 18 декември 2017.
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1.9 изиграни часа (0.5 часа по време на рецензията)
You know I had just got done playing ride to hell: Retribution and that game made me want to kill myself and so I thought that i would just go ahead and chill out with a nice game and then I saw for the price of 1.99 Day One: Garry's Incident and hey for the price of 1.99 how could you go wrong.... Well let me tell you when I saw this abortion I had started playing and I already had the metaphorical knife to my neck with the mixture of ♥♥♥♥♥♥ hit detection, poor frame rate, and poor voice acting that felt like it was ripped out of serious sam. This game was the worst thing I have ever experienced and to be honest this game could be free to play and I would still consider it a rip off. Sorry to break it to you but this game is such a waste of hard drive space that it actual makes me want to cry. The fact that my computer doesnt have tumors is a damn miracle from god. To anyone who is even considering playing this please for your sake don't do it.
Публикувана 28 февруари 2016.
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