Peliaika viimeisen 2 viikon aikana:

Näytä maailmanlaajuiset saavutustilastot
Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
19/43 (44%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset


A wonderful choice... for a gardener.
Avattu 12.5.2020 klo 10.27

I'm watching you

Problems need to be solved dramatically!
Avattu 13.5.2020 klo 6.40


Sweet Veglamb meat for dinner.
Avattu 13.5.2020 klo 6.20


Nice feather.
Avattu 13.5.2020 klo 6.20


It's not good to lie... but you can do it when it's needed.
Avattu 13.5.2020 klo 6.26


This plant was too ugly anyway.
Avattu 13.5.2020 klo 7.18

Generous spirit

Anything for my friends.
Avattu 13.5.2020 klo 6.21

King of the Beach

I'm the boss here.
Avattu 13.5.2020 klo 6.53


Let the others do your work.
Avattu 12.5.2020 klo 10.44


Good sleep - good health.
Avattu 13.5.2020 klo 7.20

Bottoms up

No appetizer needed.
Avattu 13.5.2020 klo 7.37

High voltage

Let there be light!
Avattu 13.5.2020 klo 7.35


Whoopsie... Seems like they noticed me.
Avattu 12.5.2020 klo 10.25

Faithful fan

Avattu 12.5.2020 klo 10.21

Cocky boy

I shouldn't have let it go that far.
Avattu 13.5.2020 klo 7.41

Friends forever

I will never forget it.
Avattu 13.5.2020 klo 6.23

Put in a good word

Being good is not so bad.
Avattu 13.5.2020 klo 6.58

Candy dreams...

...are the cause of diabetes.
Avattu 13.5.2020 klo 6.17

Cold science

I just offered.
Avattu 13.5.2020 klo 6.04

The Creator

Everything went wrong.

Farewell, My Friend

Now I know everything...

Greatest Folly

What do you take me for?!

Burning It Down

I've had enough!

The Prudence

Good thing I asked!

The Birdsong

I didn't get the hint.

The Grave-Robber

The first and last time.

Perfect Timing

The clock's ticking.

Obtrusive Advertising

It won't let go.

Nourian Swallow

What a pleasant meeting.

Noble Patron

How awkward...

El-Balyamian Shine

Dazzling splendor.

Survival Training

It wasn't that bad.

Let The Show Begin!

I had no intention of participating in this!

Violence is not the answer

But Junyver has a different opinion...

Stars shine over the lake

And the waves rocking you pleasantly.

Farewell, Hill Camp

Hello new life.

Yet another crime

This time it's on fire!

Saleswoman's Assistant

But I won’t sell vacuum cleaners.

The Melalo's Apprentice

But not sure.

Folk medicine

Are you really a doctor?


Under the protection of the Deceased Moon.

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