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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1,894.5 hrs on record (30.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: Aug 25, 2020 @ 5:31am
Updated: Nov 27, 2023 @ 11:02pm

I was really excited to own this on PC, never played the PlayStation version but I've watched a lot of videos showcasing gameplay etc. so I know what the game is about. So far the game has lived up to my expectations, but sadly my enjoyment has been lowered due to the crashes. Yes, I haven't escaped from suffering game crashes, just like so many others, though I consider myself somewhat luckier than many others because my game only crashes every 60-90 minutes. Despite that I'm still enjoying the game and Guerrilla Games ARE working on patches to fix the crashes so hopefully it won't be too long until they finally get all the fixes in place and the game crashes become a thing of the past!

I'm sure there are some who will read this and wonder why I'm recommending this game. That's because I'm looking past the crashes and just focusing on the actual game itself. As such, it's a really nice, fun game, the game world looks very nice, gameplay is pretty good and fairly solid. You can see just why this game has been so popular amongst the PlayStation crowd ever since it was released a little over 3 years ago.

Yes, some may want to wait a little longer before buying, thereby giving Guerrilla more time to nail down more crash fixes etc. Right now it's certainly a gamble: you might be one of the really lucky ones who don't get a single crash; or you might be one of the really unlucky ones who crash every 5 minutes; or you could be one of those who can't even get the game to run; or you could be like me and just get a crash every so often! So that's the gamble. Then again, you could just wait a few weeks to see how things go. After all, many PC gamers have been waiting for 3 years to play this one, what's waiting a few more weeks gonna hurt? ;)

Make your choice, buy now or wait a few weeks. But either way, this one is a must buy at some point! :)

Edit on 27 Nov, 2020: So, it's been a few months since I first wrote this review and I figured I should add a little bit of an update on how things are going. Guerrilla Games have now released eight patches (plus a hotfix for patch 1.08) so far in their efforts to address issues. Obviously I can only comment on my own experience so others may have a different opinion. I'm happy to say that the patches have helped to reduce the number of crashes I was getting. I'm now at a point where I can play for hours at a time, sadly not completely crash free yet, but now a crash is much more of a rarity, I've gone from multiple crashes every time I tried to play to an occasional crash a coupe times a week!

I'm on 400+ hours played, completed New Game+ Ultra Hard and I've obtained all of the achievements. I'm loving the whole game: the story; the graphics; the music; the characters and of course the gameplay. Much fun and enjoyment can be had here, but, like so many things, it's not for everyone.

Edited on 28 November 2023 to correct some grammar and make some sentences easier to understand.
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