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37 de 41 (90%) conquistas alcançadas:
Conquistas pessoais


No violence. I don't want to hit.
Alcançada em 9/nov./2019 às 5:29

All Star

The ball is in the toilet? I definitely didn't do it...
Alcançada em 9/nov./2019 às 5:21

3 2 1 Liftloff!

Look how it turns! I could spend hours doing this!
Alcançada em 9/nov./2019 às 5:12

Master of conflict

The arguments would never last, if only one side was to blame.
Alcançada em 9/nov./2019 às 8:19

I nearly did it!

How did I fall? I was nearly at the end!
Alcançada em 11/nov./2019 às 7:53

No fear!

Bring it on, nasty monster!
Alcançada em 11/nov./2019 às 7:46

Leave me to die!

I'm not afraid of death. I will get it before it gets me!
Alcançada em 12/nov./2019 às 4:15

I want more!

Money. Again. Again and again.
Alcançada em 11/nov./2019 às 7:17

Carver Master

My symbol will stay carved here forever!
Alcançada em 11/nov./2019 às 9:26


Your Monster Blasts are too slow for me.
Alcançada em 11/nov./2019 às 7:10


And we reach 10. Your attacks are weaker than mine!
Alcançada em 11/nov./2019 às 7:08

Memory of steel!

Maybe my memory isn't as bad as I thought.
Alcançada em 11/nov./2019 às 7:28

A good night of sleep

The awake share a common world, but the asleep turn aside into private worlds
Alcançada em 12/nov./2019 às 4:32

Make love, not war!

Life is sacred. I want to protect it.
Alcançada em 11/nov./2019 às 6:47

I don't wanna choose

There are moments in life when you have to know when to take a step back. Right, so this is one of those moments!
Alcançada em 11/nov./2019 às 6:50


You can't see me. But I can see you!
Alcançada em 11/nov./2019 às 6:42

Sun Tsu

War? It seems more like a heated debate to me!
Alcançada em 11/nov./2019 às 7:04


Technology? It's as simple as A Bit C!
Alcançada em 11/nov./2019 às 8:57

No brainwashing, sir

Nice try Internet.
Alcançada em 11/nov./2019 às 8:40

Plasma-Boy SuperFan

My favorite superhero. I love watching the new episodes!
Alcançada em 11/nov./2019 às 8:28


Technology no longer holds any secrets for me!
Alcançada em 11/nov./2019 às 9:00


That duck was miles away! Congratulations!
Alcançada em 9/nov./2019 às 6:44


Is that supposed to be a Security System?
Alcançada em 9/nov./2019 às 7:11

Green Fingers

I love my park. I want to protect it!
Alcançada em 9/nov./2019 às 6:57

Supreme Commander

I'm not afraid to make difficult decisions!
Alcançada em 9/nov./2019 às 7:16

Critical Failure

Maybe I shouldn't sleep during science lessons!
Alcançada em 9/nov./2019 às 5:50

Fatal Error

Blue Screen of what?
Alcançada em 9/nov./2019 às 5:58

I never lose

It doesn't matter how, but I always win!
Alcançada em 9/nov./2019 às 6:16


No ball of mortal paper can hit me!
Alcançada em 12/nov./2019 às 3:55

Never give up!

You need to be brave even to ask for help, before it becomes obvious that you need to ask for it
Alcançada em 12/nov./2019 às 4:21


A video like this will get thousands of hits!
Alcançada em 9/nov./2019 às 7:24

Rocky Balboa

But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!
Alcançada em 9/nov./2019 às 8:04

Puzzle Master

All those videogames I played were useful for something!
Alcançada em 11/nov./2019 às 7:36

A small helping hand

It took so little to make him smile...
Alcançada em 11/nov./2019 às 9:01


If you don't judge a book by its cover, why do you do it with a person?
Alcançada em 11/nov./2019 às 9:20


Love is the most powerful energy and it exists throughout the universe.
Alcançada em 11/nov./2019 às 10:24

The Way of Life

I have completed my journey. Now I can start a new life journey.
Alcançada em 11/nov./2019 às 10:31

Too easy!

When my family is in danger, nothing can stop me!

Dark Dreams Don't Die

They promised us that dreams could come true, but they forgot to tell us that nightmares are also dreams.


If it's true that we are what we eat, I only want to eat tasty food!

Master of Life

There is no manual to teach you how to live, but you are on the right path!