Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
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2 van de 12 (17%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

Welcome to Low Magic Age!

The first time you entered this low-magic world
Ontgrendeld op 4 aug 2017 om 21:18

First Win!

Won a battle in the Arena
Ontgrendeld op 15 mrt 2020 om 0:29

New Star of the Arena

Beaten 10 new challenges

Champion of the Arena

Beaten 50 new challenges

God of the Arena

Beaten 100 new challenges

TRUE.New Star of the Arena

Continuously beaten 10 new challenges without any defeat

TRUE.Champion of the Arena

Continuously beaten 20 new challenges without any defeat

TRUE.God of the Arena

Continuously beaten 50 new challenges without any defeat

Level Up!

Got a character to level 2

Paragon Path

Got a character to level 10

Epic Destiny

Got a character to level 20


Got a character to level 40