Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
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12 van de 26 (46%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

Helping Paw

Adopt the baby griffin!
Ontgrendeld op 19 apr 2020 om 5:05


Begin your journey.
Ontgrendeld op 19 apr 2020 om 5:17

Curious Traveler

Reach the shores of ancient city.
Ontgrendeld op 19 apr 2020 om 5:49

Famous Traveler

Act against all odds.
Ontgrendeld op 19 apr 2020 om 6:16

Experienced Traveler

Take a royal flight.
Ontgrendeld op 19 apr 2020 om 6:31

Amazing Seeker

Finish a Hidden Object Scene in 90 seconds without any hints.
Ontgrendeld op 19 apr 2020 om 5:36

Super Eyes

Finish four Hidden Object Scenes without using a hint.
Ontgrendeld op 19 apr 2020 om 5:45

Bright Mind

Finish one mini-game without skipping.
Ontgrendeld op 19 apr 2020 om 4:56

Great Mind

Finish eight mini-games without skipping.
Ontgrendeld op 19 apr 2020 om 5:44

Corporal of the Stones

Collect the Odin rune.
Ontgrendeld op 19 apr 2020 om 5:47

Sergeant of the Stones

Collect the Heimdal rune.
Ontgrendeld op 19 apr 2020 om 6:30

Lieutenant of the Stones

Collect the Loki rune.
Ontgrendeld op 27 apr 2020 om 11:34

Skilled Traveler

Seek out the Land of Fire.

Master Traveler

Seek out the Land of Ice.

The Great Journey

Complete the Game!

True Caretaker

Help the innocent in need.

Great Healer

Gain support from the elves.

Real Rebuilder

Gain support from the fairies.

Friend of Kings

Gain support from the dwarves.

Excellent Guardian

Bring back peace to Forest of Hope.

Captain of the Stones

Collect the Aegir rune.

Colonel of Stones

Collect the Freya rune.

General of Stones

Collect the Thor rune.

Dragon Collector

Collect all of the golden dragons!

Griffin Collector

Collect all of the amethyst griffins!

Unicorn Collector

Collect all of the turquoise unicorns!