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Geplaatst: 2 mei om 12:17

An outstanding puzzle and platformer. Portal 2 is one of mye absolute favouritt games especially with coop and the mods. This game is up there with that especeally is sp ,and is up there with Cocoon as mye all time favouritt platformer/puzzle games. I really hope the guys who made this get well deserved appreciation for this. Excellent game. That feels just about long enough. With alot of moments I got , oh this is how I do it. It one of the few games in is genre I have finished without help. Even if I was like, how, how I am supposed to this and just when it clicks, it is so satisfying.

The music is overall good with at least one part in the latter half of the game where I just stod there and watched. I liked the quieter parts too. The dialogue and characters I also found good. And the game even has some humour in it too. I liked the new mechanics that was included too. And how the game slowly makes you learn how to use them and what they do. Great game. Well worth to play if you liked the earlier games.

The game runs good to, and beside only one crash where I had to load a 8 min or so earlier save , I hadnt any problems.- It looks and sounds good. Fantastic game.
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