Julian   Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Ich bin schlau wie die Chinesen, bei mir läuft alles nach Plan, während sich sogar andere in ihrem Heimatdorf verfahren.
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Review Showcase
7,583 Hours played
I've been following Hunt since the game was first annouced, but only recently decided to take the plunge. A fairly small community and unforgiving gameplay being my priamry reasons for holding back as long as I did.

I can safely say my doubts were proven wrong, when I watched the latest content update reveal and saw the developers were really passionate about supporting the future of the game.

Gameplay wise, Hunt is one of a kind. It's unforgiving but at the same time incredibly addictive. A combination I haven't seen this successfull in any other competitive multiplayer games. The game mechanics make the world feel alive and the interaction between other players intense and exciting. AI controlled enemies only further add to the intensity of the gameplay and provide more ways of interacting with the world.

Speaking of the "world", the graphics are absolutely gorgeous. People have complained about performance issues but personally I've had very few. It really is very polished when compared to most early access games. The atmosphere is amazing and the amount of detail across the environments is evident everywhere you go. Both interior and exterior locations have received a lot of effort to make them feel real. The enemies look and sound scary and really belong in the horrific setting of the 1895 Louisiana wilderness.

The gunplay is another amazing aspect of Hunt. Weapons are fun to shoot and firefights are intense if not brief. The more you play, the more you unlock and consequently the more risk you take when you play a match. If you die, you lose everything you're carrying, except for xp and cash earned. This is the trade off for bringing more powerful weapons into the match and is a great way of balancing higher level players against newer ones.

I could go into so much more about Hunt but I think you really need to play it to understand how enjoyable it is. I'm not usually someone who likes battle royale type games or perma death, but Hunt is something new altogether. Give it a try if you have any interest, it won't disappoint you! May 18 @ 10:52am 
GG gut gespielt mit Ggordon und SirT ;-)
Disco May 6 @ 7:15pm 
this dude was clicking on my green skeleton even though i asked him not to
Papaschmeckle Apr 20 @ 3:52pm 
uninstall you so horrible at this point you just griefing your teammates.
gg brother
Handbagga Apr 20 @ 1:56pm 
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Strider101 Apr 19 @ 1:45am 
VERDAMMT! Kann es sein das Du alle Hunter im "Seelenüberlebener" gekillt hast?