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91.0 godz. w ciągu ost. 2 tyg. / 4,236.8 godz. łącznie (5.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Zamieszczono 23 stycznia 2022 o 17:38
Zaktualizowano 3 grudnia 2022 o 14:20

Cumbersome, clunky, inconvienent, annoying, chorefull to use, it takes so long to navigate the menus and screens, the turns some bastards take even longer, forever long to be exact its crazy but it is generaly a slow game because its programmed slow. Whatever nice little cosmetic things they did, not only still pale in comparison to better looking card games like Infinity Wars and Gwent, but it isnt worth it to start over for in this game from any other card game, even other yugioh games like Duel Links, which, i hate to say, and i realy, realy, realy hate to say, but is better, than this game and Duel Links is less of a Yugioh game than Master Duel, its just the execution of this one, the starter decks, awfull, the card distribution, awfull, the monetization, awfull, card aquirence is godawfull, Duel Links has more curated way of getting cards, their boxes are better designed, the ''secret'' packs, suck here and shouldnt be on a fomo timer, their curated packs suck, the packs are either TOO spread out, like, litearly containing ALL cards in the game, the general pack, or these secret packs that are WAY TOO specialized, like, so specific that you cant or shouldnt missmatch or the pack contents will be useless, you buy a secret pack or featured one, you have to use it, all of it and only from it. The starter packs realy suck, you dont build your own deck, you dont get all cards from the 3 packs so choose wisely, probably better to pick the 2nd one i guess i dunno, so yeah, its a nightmare, a impossible terrible feat to attempt to try and build your deck, the one you want with the cards you need but wont get cause theres too many of them!!! Now i get spreading out like one or couple or so good cards across a plethora of boxes was kind of annoying in Duel Links but you atleast have a somewhat vague idea of what you MIGHT get, its not like you would get something that wasnt advertised in the box contents. And yeah, the game is pay to win, its a card game, go figure. Youre going to be playing against killer pros right off the gate while youre stuck in some cobbled up garbage if you dont throw down LITEARLY THOUSANDS OF EUROS for cards because with so many cards in only one pack, youre going to need many a tries to get what you want, you get 7 per pack but i dont know about that being the sweet number, oh well, also Legacy Packs, containing the good old cards, only give 2 per pack, so wierd. The advertised card stories are terrible, clearly no effort was put there, you get like these bad guys, they go around and destroy everything and they serve a guy on a chair, whoopdidoo, enticing. Also not to mention, the rarity's for cards are bastardized, many dont make sense and if you are a Duel Links player, its seriously going to screw with you, as if managing your cards and decks wasnt a horrible hassle chore bad enough. Music is annoying short as in, it loops very obviously very fast, so repetetive. Obviously it lacks personality aswell, having no characters or voices or whatever. I honestly dont know what to tell you, i mean, its free, you can try it but i think it would be a mistake, i realy do but its your choice. Infinity Wars still the best card game by the way, too bad its dead though and im tired of it. This game os so ungoddly grindy. Here is a huge, huge piece of advice, i urge you, do not, DO NOT buy secret packs UNLESS you have 10.000 gems ready and waiting to be spent, do not buy secret packs if you have 9K, 8K or 7K, save up until you have TEN THOUSAND, i mean it, do not buy untill then or hell, even then some with excess gems in your gift box up untill they are nearly expired. Now why though? Well, you only get 4 cards you may or do want from the 8 ones you will pull, thats not alot, so not alot of chance for the high rarity cards, which forces you to keep buying but if you run out of gems, you will have to spend crafting materials to unlock the secret pack which you may not want to do. Im saying this out of the miserable, regretable expierience ive had, dont make the same mistake as i have, just do not, you will be tempted, you will be tested by impatience and pressure, stand strong and do not falter, just hold on untill you have a full bank, absolutely, so you can get everything you need and want in one day.
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