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Ostatnie recenzje napisane przez użytkownika V1b1n

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526.2 godz. łącznie (32.8 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Warframe is a fun game for accountants that want to become a Ninja. It's incredibly fun and the more you game the systems, the more you'll excel and progress faster than your peers.

Check it out and keep in mind: Yes, it looks like this game has a paywall. Most things can be purchased for credits that are accumulated while playing the game. For anyone that enjoys momentary insanity, this will be your cup of tea. Fast paced combat with a surprisingly in-depth out of combat systems that favor the players who can delay their gratification. There's a certain joy that comes from waiting for a blueprint to finish printing.
Opublikowana: 20 sierpnia 2021.
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