Tempo di gioco nelle ultime 2 settimane:

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6 achievement su 6 (100%) ottenuti:
Achievement personali

Starting the round

Delivered a letter.
Sbloccato in data 26 mag 2019, ore 11:18


Visited all areas.
Sbloccato in data 26 mag 2019, ore 12:11


Interacted with 5 types of side characters.
Sbloccato in data 26 mag 2019, ore 11:29

Persistently Curious

Interacted with all types of side characters.
Sbloccato in data 26 mag 2019, ore 12:11

Music Connoisseur

Listened to all flute melodies.
Sbloccato in data 26 mag 2019, ore 12:13

Delivery Done

Completed the postal round.
Sbloccato in data 26 mag 2019, ore 12:32