12 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 45.8 hrs on record (11.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: Oct 7, 2021 @ 1:18pm

11 Hours played as of the time this is written, scored gold on all campaign races, scored all coins from the first five cups.

As someone who enjoyed Top Gear from the Super Nintendo: this game feels like a vibrant 3D call-back to that genre of racing. Customization is minimal however very important for anyone trying to complete the campaign in order to unlock cars and modes.

Steering / Handling plus Speed are very important stats to increase using Upgrade Races as early as possible in the campaign however it's sometimes best to just score gold and forget the coins with the fastest yet decently steering vehicle when the Iceland Cup is reached.

First place / Gold is important as it scores near max amount of points to unlock more of the campaign eventually reaching the Hawaii Cup and therefore all of the Upgrade Races to complete all vehicle upgrades and score all Gold in Hawaii in order to unlock a car that has a good balance of Handling and Speed. Until then there are at least two fast cars after the Greece Cup (score all Gold) that will suffice provided the player is skilled enough to score 2nd / Silver or better in races after the mid sector of the campaign at which point the opponents will be much faster requiring memorization of turns for every course. Scouting a course two times may be needed before a Gold can be scored.

For anyone looking for a Need for Speed / modern style of realistic vehicle handling: this game is not for them.

Anyone looking for a Top Gear / retro style of unrealistic rail velocity: this game is a challenging entry onto the history of this genre.
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