[SWE]Dr Brobotnik
Johan   Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Sweden
Well, it's a good day to be alive and hope for the best.

Borger time 2019年12月27日 3時34分 
Merry christmas man
sorry if im a little late
[SWE]Dr Brobotnik 2016年9月11日 13時37分 
Thanks to IHaruka-chan and Trapped for their lovely comments ^o^ You guys are the best!
Mintybutt, The Galaxy Wizard 2016年9月11日 13時12分 
You're the brightest spot of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sunshine I've ever ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ seen. Get the ♥♥♥♥ out of my eyes mate :D
lTohru 2015年12月10日 0時03分 
…….... (¯ O´¯)...
…….…... / | ............♫ Warmest wishes♫
……… ...*•♥•*...................♫ for a ♫
…… ... *♥♫♫♥*'...........♠♫ Merry Christmas ♫♠
… .... *♥•♦♫••♥* ................♥.. and a...♥
..... *♥☺♥☺♥☺♥* ........ ♠♫ Happy New Year♫♠
.....*♥•♥#♠*♥#♥•♥* '
....*♥♫♥♥♫♥♥♫♥♫* '
..*♥♥♣♫♥♣♥♥♣♥♫ ♣♥♥*'
'*♥♥♣♥♫♥♥♫♥♥♫ ♥♣♥♥*'
.......... ╬╬╬╬╬...........
sup3r 2012年12月22日 4時52分 
Hey when you get online please lets play Terraria on multiplayer just got the game and i want to play some multiplayer and your like the onlu friend who has terraria! :D
sup3r 2012年11月5日 5時09分 
Hey! Sorry my internet connection was cracking yesterday on and off so im sorry! i was not stealing your wrangler i will return it to you as soon as possible!