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Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

What's well begun, is half done

Complete your first design
Avattu 27.7.2019 klo 15.46

How I met Ted

Get to know Ted
Avattu 27.7.2019 klo 16.40

To be or not to be = TRUE

Solve all basic logic elements
Avattu 27.7.2019 klo 16.52

If you have a cat and the cat is a mother... is the cat your mother?

Solve all advanced logic elements
Avattu 29.7.2019 klo 7.37

1 + 1 = 2

Solve the ALU element
Avattu 29.7.2019 klo 7.58

Where did I leave my keys?

Solve all memory elements
Avattu 29.7.2019 klo 7.47

Look at me, I built a CPU!

Solve the CPU element
Avattu 29.7.2019 klo 8.12