wat [VR]
Co-founder & Admin of DDFreeRunsByRequest
About Steam Friend Requests
If we have never played together before, please leave a comment. Otherwise I will ignore the invite. Thanks.

I'm no longer active in the following games. The games in which I'm currently active are listed further down my profile.

Premium Bowling VR
(on hiatus atm)
No. 1 world rank in player ranking since 2019.
No. 1 world rank in league points since 2019.

Enjoy Doomsday Heist act 3 duo with my bro.

Killing Floor 2
:Fleshpound:Railgun enthusiast - able to solo every single large zed on 6p HoE maxed(?) Controlled Difficulty. Enjoy soloing and playing custom maps with friends on HoE CD.

Payday 2
:Y: I've returned with Asphyticz after a long hiatus.
:Y: I enjoy soloing loud.

BattleBlock Theater
:bbtduckshark:A++ on all maps in both Solo Normal and Insane modes.
:bbtduckshark:I'm currently looking for a skilled partner to get A++ on all maps in both Coop Normal and Insane modes.

Dungeon Defenders & Dungeon Defenders Eternity
:huntress:Founder & Admin of the largest non-official Dungeon Defenders Steam group - DDFreeRunsByRequest | http://ddfrbr.com .
:huntress:Author of the following guides:
:monk: Collection of DDE Builds
:monk: Embermount Volcano NMHC Boss Survival Build [www.dungeondefenders.com]
:monk: Embermount Volcano NM Boss Survival Build [www.dungeondefenders.com]
:monk: Myth-geared (2k) Builds [www.dungeondefenders.com]
:monk: Crystalline Dimension NMHC 1k Build [www.dungeondefenders.com]
:monk: Ultimate Old One Guide [www.dungeondefenders.com]
:monk: Temple O' Love High Success Rate Build [www.dungeondefenders.com]
:monk: How to stack minions [www.dungeondefenders.com]
:huntress:Creator of Armor Resistance Calculator™ [www.dungeondefenders.com]
:huntress:Collector of Ult++ Armors

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
:moab:All-time Teamdeath Match kill-death-ratio (k/d): 3.23
:moab:All-time kill-death-ratio (k/d): 2.691
:moab:All-time winning percentage: 86.5%
:moab:Longest win streak: 466

Borderlands 2
I haven't played much since the release of UVHM. I have self-farmed all Level 50 Legendaries (including most variations). And I am a Zer0 melee specialist.
:borderlands2: Pete the Invincible Zer0 melee ONLY solo
:borderlands2: Master Gee the Invincible Zer0 melee ONLY solo
:borderlands2: Hyperius the Invincible Zer0 melee ONLY solo
:borderlands2: Terramorphous the Invincible Zer0 melee ONLY solo
:borderlands2: The BNK-3R Zer0 melee ONLY solo
:borderlands2: The Warrior Zer0 melee ONLY solo
:borderlands2: Legendary Montage
:borderlands2: My Legendary gallery [www.flickr.com]
Favorite Group
DDFreeRunsByRequest - Public Group
Welcome to DDFreeRunsByRequest
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Screenshot Showcase
broke 5 mil
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Currently active in:
Godfall - I'm one of the Discord Godfall LFG mods. Feel free to ask for help. Currently focusing on EToT builds.
a variety of VR games - duh (hit me up for co-op)
Insurgency: Standstorm
Far Cry 6 - LF co-op
Gunfire Reborn
Titanfall 2 - LF Frontier Defense Insane team
World War Z: Aftermath - LF co-op
The Ascent
Orc Must Die 3 - LF regulars for endgame
Payday 2 - recently back with my partner in crime after a four-year hiatus, go figure
The Division 2 - all exotic/named items acquired, mostly casual farming
Ghost Recon Breakpoint - LF raid static (year one pass is trash)
Gears 5 - LF online co-op
Borderlands 3 - LF co-op
Trines 4
Destiny 2 - pve endgame since Shadowkeep and occasional pvp/gambit
Remnant: From the Ashes - done with farming, mostly survival and hardcore clears
Premium Bowling - world rank 1 in VR since 2019 (on hiatus atm)
Cbomb Aug 4, 2021 @ 11:48am 
saw you on review, you play lots of the same games. OMD3, PD2 (also recently back to), love Remnant, still have BL3 installed but been a while.
wat [VR] May 27, 2021 @ 7:08am 
Thank you for such a high praise that I probably don't deserve. Wow. Definitely not a genius. Many builds I shared in my guides are centered around several key elements that are common knowledge among veterans. Granted not every knowledgeable player is willing to commit time and effort to recording videos and writing guides, I cannot take all the credit either. I learned from others and perfected their ideas through trial and error. But I really appreciate your comment and I do hope you and your friends will thoroughly enjoy the game. :squire:
RolandDeschain May 27, 2021 @ 6:23am 
You must get this all the time but I always appreciated your guides on DD1. They were like works of art, especially the armorless builds. I believe I also saw a video by you explaining minion stacking and it blew my mind that you could even do that. I showed a few friends how to do it and it alone changed our own builds. Just wanted to say you're a damn genius and hope everything has been well with you.
wat [VR] Jan 4, 2021 @ 7:57pm 
That's great to hear. Glad that you are enjoying the game.
Highly Esteemed Gentleman Jan 4, 2021 @ 9:05am 
Thanks for the guides you have made, it really helps boosts my want to play and I have enjoyed this game with multiple friends. Thank you.
Aidyn Dec 17, 2020 @ 8:57pm 
Well, actually, I've owned the game for years now, probably since 2011-2012. Never played with randoms, never traded with randoms. All I've earned, it's from my work and my friends' work. We stopped for a while once we hit the xp grind at level 70-74, since we couldn't get any decent gear. But we've started playing again, since there's been a new update. And your guides are the first ones I've ever used for the game.