fgc advocate,fashion advocate.

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Speef Nebular May 4 @ 9:51am 
Hey buddy I haven’t left a message in a few years and I apologize for that. But I haven’t forgotten about you and I still think of you on the daily. My son is getting big and your parents were very tickled I named him after you. I’m tone bring him by your grave here soon. Hope you’re still resting in peace.
Kitæo Mar 26 @ 8:54pm 
Hope you know some of us never stop thinking about you.
Speef Nebular Nov 27, 2021 @ 1:42am 
Hey man, I know it isn’t May 4th but I just wanted you to know my son was born the 25th and like I promised, I named him after you. So, when he gets a little older I’ll bring by him by your grave so y’all can meet. Rest well brother.
Speef Nebular May 4, 2021 @ 9:11pm 
It’s surreal it’s been 3 years since that night, I hope you’re resting well man. A lot has happened and I wish you were here to hear about it. I’ve got a kid on the way now and if it’s a boy I’m gonna name him after you. I still tell everyone you were one of the greatest people I ever met. Miss you brother
Speef Nebular May 4, 2020 @ 7:50pm 
Been thinking about you a lot today. Still can’t believe it’s been two years since that night. Wished I’d have known that would’ve been the last time I’d see you. I tell everybody I meet about how badass you were. Rest well brother.
Speef Nebular May 4, 2019 @ 11:18am 
Hard to believe it’s been a year. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about us playing Tekken or Arma all night, or hanging out at your house. Rest In Peace Bro.