지난 2주의 플레이 시간:

전체 도전 과제 통계 보기
자신의 통계와 비교하려면 로그인한 상태여야 합니다.
0 of 33 (0%) 달성한 도전 과제::

개인 도전 과제


Finish the introduction

Akenash's Atrium

Finished mission 1

Master key

Finished mission 2


Finished mission 3

The creator

Finished mission 4

The architect

Finished mission 5


Finished mission 6


Kill an enemy by poisoning the food

Goblin snack

Give an orc one of your clones to eat

Watch out below!

Kill two or more enemies by making a chandelier drop on them

Like looking through a wall

Manage to disable three guards, or more, inside a clone's smoke bomb

Great power...

Unlock all skills


Kill an enemy with an aerial kill

Wrong turn

Kill an enemy with a covered kill

Dodge this

Kill an enemy who was bound by a clone

Suicide mission

Eliminate a guard with a booby trapped clone

My precious

Gather all the treasures

Tidy up your room!

No body found during a mission


Pick pocket 15 guards
0 / 15

Army of clones

Create 30 clones
0 / 30


Unlock 20 doors
0 / 20

Unquenched thirst

Drink 20 vials of amber
0 / 20


Do not use any item during a mission

Born in the shadow

Extinguish 30 torches
0 / 30


Let 15 clones die
0 / 15

Unseen, unknown

Unlock the Insignia of the Shadow for each mission

7 개의 숨겨진 도전 과제가 남아있음

도전 과제가 잠금해제 되면 세부 정보가 공개됩니다