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Does this teaser make me excited? Well it did before i played it.
So, why does this leave me cold.. and bored.. and uneasy? Well to answer that i'd have to write an essay on why i loved Gothic(1,2 and even 3), why i loved Risen and Risen2, and why Risen 3 was disappointing.
So i'll make this brief(kinda) and talk about what doesn't work for me here.

The fighting system isn't fun, or especially modern. It's something like KC:D or forhonor but in comparison feels stilted and half ar**d. In KC:D i felt like an idiot blacksmith who barely knew how to hold a sword but in this demo i just felt hobbled because the Developer thought i should be. It tries to be cinematic but just doesn't 'feel' fun, it just feels clunky.

The camera is in a close-up third person format and it feels like your character takes up too much of the screen.

The map is cluttered with 'things' but all i did was walk around looking for giant white arrows amongst the detritus.

The dialogue is stilted and boring, Diego especially spoke slowly, painfully slowly and i actually stopped caring what he had said as soon as i closed the dialogue.
Also with the dialogue, why can't i skip? I would assume this will be something in the full game but it should have been implemented here.

Does the world feel like Gothic...? No, it feels like a Witcher3 clone. It feels like a movie tie-in game for Eragon. It feels cliched in a way i can't accurately describe other than it feels soulless and basic.

The art style goes from black and orange to bright, over-saturated and bland within 10 minutes, it reminded me of some of the Skyrim mods that were in style around 2016.

The costume design, again it just felt uninspired; Like someone had watched GoT and Netflix' The Witcher and taken notes. I know there are only so many ways you can put a guy in armour but not the way to do it.

The tutorial boxes are unimmersive and feel outdated, like something from 8 years ago that was trying to rip off skyrim. The menu is the same tired and tried design from yesteryear that feels even worse to navigate because i can't use my mouse to navigate.

You can loot Bert and Ernie in the get a sword quest but cant pick up their weapons...ok, gameplay story segregation in a poorly done way.

The music i would like if, again, it didn't feel like it had been stolen from Witcher3.

In conclusion, it's a remake, it's a cash grab on an old IP. It's Robocop 2014, it's Ghostbusters 2016, it's The Mummy 2017. It's a disappointment with no real identity of it's own and all of its good ideas taken from certain popular fantasy franchises of recent years.
I hope if they make this game then i'm proven wrong but this is S***.