Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
Je moet zijn aangemeld om deze statistieken met die van jezelf te vergelijken
1 van de 21 (5%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

Founded HQ

Complete the tutorial
Ontgrendeld op 1 okt 2017 om 4:36

Touch of Style

Customize your troops

Seek and Destroy

Win 25 PVP attacks


Last 6 minutes in CPU Defend

Light 'em Up

Attack and get 10 Monster kills or better


Assign 2 perks to 1 Unit

Red Skull Crusher

Win an attack against a nightmare opponent (red skulls)

Gone Streaking

Win 10 attacks in a row

Locked n' Loaded

Use 50 attack cards

Leader of the Pack

Open an Epic Card Pack

Top Brass

Fully rank up 3 units

Climbing the Ranks

Reach level 25

Best Buds

Attack 3 friends


Collect 3 daily rations

Purple Splendor

Obtain a Legendary card from PVP rewards or card pack

Get Backup

Earn 4 or more Veterans in a single battle

Well Rounded

Spawn 5 different Veteran unit types in battle


Play one more than your daily Alliance Battle limit

Badge of Honor

Be in an Alliance that receives a badge at the end of an Alliance Battle Season

Impact Resistant

Obtain a Level 7 Wall

Team Player

Earn 300 Alliance Points in a Season