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0.0 uur in de afgelopen twee weken / 28.4 uur in totaal
Geplaatst: 25 nov 2019 om 12:36

Very short and very bland. It really brings nothing new to RPGs. I like nep nep a lot but it was barely enough to carry me through this game. The quests are basically all kill or fetch with only a handful even showing on the map where to go. The combat was super easy and it was simple to stack skills to make your characters OP. Once you got any sort of reduction in skill cost the game was brain dead. It isn't a good sign when you can fast forward the battles even during the boss ones without much fear. If you put Blanc as the leader of your party you will basically be invincible with her formation heal. My 28 hours was with a lot of exploring but I didn't do all of the post game quests either.
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