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MilkmansMilkman 24.12.2023 klo 22.26 
Hey bro I don't got a favorite I don't know fnaf like that
im gaming :3 29.9.2022 klo 19.07 
Im turning evil.
Marked one 19.4.2022 klo 20.00 
What does your profile picture mean
Leo 6.6.2021 klo 19.30 
If you're banned you're probably a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ loser. Keep missing your bayonet stabs brudda.
MilkmansMilkman 13.5.2021 klo 20.39 
pedo alert >;3c
Tom Brady Makes Out With His Son 28.10.2019 klo 10.23 
he second time Shaq was levitated he was at Chris's house Shaq is one of the biggest and best players in NBA history standing 7 1 and weighing about 350 pounds Shaq was levitated so high that he went over Chris's house a small crowd was also there watching the event including some quote celebrities how in the world did Chris angel get Shaq off the ground how'd you do that that's the most amazing thing I ever saw in my life