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Score 5 baskets

The end?

Saw one of the four different endings

Money Bags

Have $4000 in your wallet

Wrote the word

Collect your first lost page

Wrote the book

Collect all the lost pages

Taste Admiral

Earn the max rank at the burger bar

Super Surgeon

Earn the max rank at the surgery

Please don't do that

Spit in 10 burgers at the burger bar


Read every bedtime story


Listen to all of the fisherman's tale

Antique Watch

Complete the treasure storyline

Good deeds

Reach max Karma

Bad deeds

Reach minimum karma


Pet the cat

Helping hand

Donate to the food bank

Sign of the times

Set the Riverport sign to something other than BURT

The Real Deal

Get all four endings

15 skjulte prestasjoner gjenstår

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