“It ought to be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.”
-- Niccolò Machiavelli
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Total War: Warhammer - Blood for the Blood God DLC Review

[The Good]
It's blood, quite a bit of it actually!
The units don't get completely soaked but splattered instead, the decapitations, both head, shoulders knees and toes are done well, as are the exploding giblets when an artillery piece bombards the fields.

[The Bad]
I don't actually mind the way it looks that much, but it's nowhere near as vivid as the promotional images suggest, at best it's a vaporous red mist, not a liquid scarlet detailed splatter as seen on the images.

[The Ugly]
You're essentially paying €2,99 for something that should just be part of the experience to begin with, I've heard chatter that it's sold this way to avoid a higher age rating, but it's a steep price for very minimal gains.

[Final Verdict]
If you purchase the blood DLC for either Warhammer 1 or 2 (or 3 in the future), you'll recieve it cross-game, so it's a one time €2,99 expendure for something that should be a basic feature, not downloadable content.

In the end you're master of your own wallet, and it's satisfying to see a unit explode in a red mist on the front, but not essential in the slightest and you're best of waiting for a sale.

The lowest recorded price as of 15-9-2021 is a whopping €1,24€! at 50% off!
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