Loogie's Not Dead
Intelligence is knowing Frankenstein wasn't the monster.
Wisdom is understanding Frankenstein was the monster.

"It takes true skill to get a Band-Aid stuck in the game-slot of a Nintendo DS. Sort of the same steady hand required for building those mock-up boats inside of bottles."
-Mr. November

Lucas: Slow day at school?
Sam: Nope, we had strong winds, no school.
Lucas: So does BDUDE but that doesn't warrant a day off.

Reverend: So TLR carried x6 through ESEA LAN, then carried the trophy away?

Reverend: ISF Mafia - Bring Tommy Guns, Dr Pepper, and Black Ops.

"In the future, flying cars will smash your teeth out." -Callum

"Now, I'm going to the kitchen store to buy more kitchen." -Callum

Lucas: I'm not saying it's easy to lose a friend, but it's part of the user agreement on the contract of life that no one reads, but it's still in the fine print.
Miss Moon Cat: God's EULA? XD

"It's do or die time: be hipster or be killed." - Callum

Lucas: Obviously the US should go through the Middle East and pull a Marvin The Martian and be like "I claim this crude oil in the name of America! Isn't that lovely?" /s
Zoose: >President Bachmann
>*nuke fails*
>"There was supposed to be a Muslim-shattering kaboom!"

Booo95: I have mass, you have mass; there's attraction between us.
Hyruleboy: What else has mass?
BDUDE: Catholics?

Sam: And then Satan said: "Let's put the alphabet in math."

Kenny: Mumble-Os
Lucas: The great tasting conversational breakfast cereal that dares to be just ok.

Brad: It's not just a bad idea, it's a Brad idea.

Brad: Saying MS Paint is low-end Photoshop is like saying a hobo is a low-end millionaire.

Callum: Why's everyone muted-and-deafened in Mumble?
Lucas: I have no idea.
Callum: Ban them all; that'll teach 'em.

"I'm a degenerate at heart, but even I'm more dignified than that." -Brad

"It's like bailing out the TItanic with a thimble." -Brad

Kenny: According to "Barbie" lore, Ken’s father’s name was Carson, so it’s totally possible that Ken’s last name would be Carson too
Scott: If I didn’t know you just Google’d that I’d be disturbed that you know about “Barbie” canon

"I'm having problems describing the tenants of post-modernism because I'm staring at a picture of a baby in a microwave" -Miss Moon Cat

Kenny: There's multiple layers of Brad.
Brad: What level of Brad are you going to be condemned to for all eternity, Kenny?
Kenny: I've visited all of them.

"I just throw chemicals together and hope I don't get stoned." -Nick

"I'll look like Ninja Moses with a side of Red Green and a touch of political insecurity" -Nick

"Some people have more dollars than sense." -Nick

"I don't care if I get free peanuts, I want to fly Air Kevin." -GaPSMAV

*Playing Trivial Pursuit*
Lucas: In "The Wizard of Oz", Dorothy clicks her heels together and says what?
Miss Moon Cat: Go Go Gadget Tornado?

"I've transcended nihilism and have started living in spite of people." -Brad

"Sharp cheddar films: cheesy, yet delicious." -Bob Zedler

"Millard Fillmore sounds like a porn name." -Miss Moon Cat

Jayton: "Kevin is actually on a quest to eat every animal on Earth."
Kevin: "Yeah, it's like Noah's Ark, but in my belly."

Lucas: “And here we have the consonant Orion, whose rings, in his legacy, we enjoy at many a pizza parlor to this day.”

Mina: "Iowa is 58 thousand square miles of badly managed nothing."

Kenny: Just rolling down the river in my chicken strip basket
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