DES (SlowHandPlays) 2021. jan. 5., 3:08 
Happy New Year!
DES (SlowHandPlays) 2020. jan. 1., 11:12 
Happy New Year!
DES (SlowHandPlays) 2019. jan. 1., 8:23 
Happy New Year!
Ashura DX 2018. jún. 3., 12:54 
Aw, that wasn't very nice. Backstab me when I waved at you after starting to decorate the fighting ring - gg though
ZeroKelvin 2018. jún. 2., 19:46 
(obligatory Dark Souls hatemail)
DES (SlowHandPlays) 2018. jan. 1., 2:46 
Happy New Year!
DES (SlowHandPlays) 2017. jan. 1., 5:04 
Happy New Year!
NAMBLA representative 2016. dec. 19., 13:06 
Carley dies
BettorBear 2016. nov. 20., 15:55 
no chill *tsk tsk*
BettorBear 2016. nov. 20., 15:52 
Yo dude chill D: we just hang out with you
Victory 2014. szept. 2., 6:18 
I wasn't the host I was the phantom. But yeah he did run away like a chicken after you hit him.
geryboy85 2014. aug. 25., 10:34 
happens np
Maulric 2014. aug. 25., 9:48 
sorry about that, steam all of a sudden decided to disconnect
geryboy85 2014. máj. 1., 9:46 
All comments by drunk americans who I meet online will get deleted.